short topic Videos

Dr. Laxman Byreddi - Increase Appropriate Use of Metformin in Hospitalized Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Dr. Byreddi presents his Metformin utilization poster at the virtual 2020 Annual HVC Summit.

Dr. Dennis Cunningham - Antibodies & Covid-19 Serologic Tests

Dr. Dennis Cunningham provides an overview of antibodies and the challenges of COVID-19 antibody testing.

Dr. Michael McKenna - High Value Care at McLaren

Dr. Michael McKenna, System CMO of McLaren Health Care, discusses McLaren's High Value Care program.

Dr. Tim Hannon - High Value Care Overview

Dr. Tim Hannon with Healthcare Forward describes the necessity for High Value Care programs.

Pre-Administration Blood Component Transfusion Bedside Check- PBM England video

This video highlights the key steps for completing the pre-administration bedside check of blood components. This critical check is the final opportunity to prevent transfusion of an incorrect blood component to a patient.